Open Access

Table 7

Factor analysis.

Correlation matrix

  (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
The current LCC techniques integrate risk assessment methods 1.000 −.129 −.041 .177 −.068 −.150 .161 .044 −.136
Risk assessment augments the accuracy of cost forecasts, accelerating the integration into the examination of unanticipated happenings all through the life cycle of the building −.129 1.000 .197 −.043 .064 .327 −.446 −.110 −.054
It allows the decision-maker to answer a series of ‘what if questions with respect to the various options under consideration’ −.041 .197 1.000 −.069 −.170 −.033 −.189 −.268 .056
It is important for minimising losses and increasing profits .177 −.043 −.069 1.000 .056 .008 .073 −.242 −.278
It helps to reduce the chance of failure or to maximise opportunities in the projects −.068 .064 −.170 .056 1.000 .162 −.072 .039 −.001
Risk management assists decision makers in evaluating whole life alternatives so that investment success is maximised −.150 .327 −.033 .008 .162 1.000 −.031 .139 −.175
It makes it possible to identify the scale of the risk, which areas of the project will be affected, what the possible responses could be and the necessary resources required to face the risks .161 −.446 −.189 .073 −.072 −.031 1.000 .122 −.012
It forms a major element in the decision making process during project procurement and also in value analysis, especially in today's highly uncertain business environment .044 −.110 −.268 −.242 .039 .139 .122 1.000 .046
It provide useful insights in instances where the probability density function can be precisely defined −.136 −.054 .056 −.278 −.001 −.175 −.012 .046 1.000
Sig. (1-tailed)
The current LCC techniques integrate risk assessment methods   .145 .368 .073 .290 .110 .093 .360 .132
Risk assessment augments the accuracy of cost forecasts, accelerating the integration into the examination of unanticipated happenings all through the life cycle of the building .145   .052 .362 .300 .003 .000 .185 .331
It allows the decision-maker to answer a series of ‘what if questions with respect to the various options under consideration’ .368 .052   .287 .081 .393 .060 .013 .323
It is important for minimising losses and increasing profits .073 .362 .287   .323 .473 .276 .022 .010
It helps to reduce the chance of failure or to maximise opportunities in the projects .290 .300 .081 .323   .092 .280 .377 .496
Risk management assists decision makers in evaluating whole life alternatives so that investment success is maximised .110 .003 .393 .473 .092   .401 .128 .076
It makes it possible to identify the scale of the risk, which areas of the project will be affected, what the possible responses could be and the necessary resources required to face the risks .093 .000 .060 .276 .280 .401   .159 .460
It forms a major element in the decision making process during project procurement and also in value analysis, especially in today's highly uncertain business environment .360 .185 .013 .022 .377 .128 .159   .353
It provide useful insights in instances where the probability density function can be precisely defined .132 .331 .323 .010 .496 .076 .460 .353  

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