Open Access

Table 8

Total variance extraction method: principal component analysis.

Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction sums of squared loadings Rotation sums of squared loadings

Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 1.799 19.992 19.992 1.799 19.992 19.992 1.424 15.824 15.824
2 1.463 16.253 36.245 1.463 16.253 36.245 1.384 15.376 31.200
3 1.443 16.033 52.278 1.443 16.033 52.278 1.267 14.073 45.273
4 1.009 11.209 63.487 1.009 11.209 63.487 1.226 13.625 58.898
5 .881 9.784 73.271 .881 9.784 73.271 1.036 11.510 70.408
6 .758 8.419 81.690 .758 8.419 81.690 1.015 11.282 81.690
7 .660 7.329 89.018            
8 .559 6.206 95.224            
9 .430 4.776 100.000            

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