Open Access
Table 2
Literature review on the application of ANP.
Project | Author(s) |
Election of green marketable products | Neubert (2015) |
Integrating three-dimensional sustainability in distribution centre selection | Neumüller et al. (2015) |
Selection of solar–thermal power plant investment projects | Aragones-Beltra et al. (2014) |
A support tool for policy making on renewable energy development | Cannemi et al. (2014) |
Ranking of critical success factors of waterfront development | Lee et al (2013) |
Assessment of best available techniques | Giner-Santonja et al. (2012) |
Sitting of a municipal solid waste plant in the metropolitan area | Aragones-Beltra et al. (2010) |
Selection of a televised sports-casters for Olympic Games | Chang (2009) |
Risks assessment in commercial real estate development | Khumpaisal (2009) |
Selection of lean manufacturing systems | Kodali (2009) |
Vendor selection decisions | Bayazit (2006) |
Contractor selection | Cheng and Li [24] |
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