Open Access
Table 3
The fundamental scale.
Intensity of importance | Definition | Explanation |
1 | Equal importance | Two activities contribute equally to the objective |
3 | Moderate importance of one over another | Experience and judgement slightly favour one activity over another |
5 | Essential or strong importance | Experience and judgement strongly favour one activity over another |
7 | Very strong importance | An activity is favoured, and its dominance demonstrated in practice |
9 | Extreme importance | The evidence favouring one activity over is of the highest possible order of affirmation |
2,4,6,8 | Intermediate values between the two adjacent judgements | When compromise is needed |
Reciprocals | If activity i has one of the above numbers assigned to it when compared with activity j, then j has the reciprocal value when compared with i |
Source: Adapted from Saaty [29].
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