Open Access
Table A5
Parameter cost data.
Level 1: Poorer performance | Level 2: As built | Level 3: Better performance | ||
Parameter 1: Insulation | Floor slab: 200 mm insulation | Floor slab: 300mm insulation | Floor slab: 400 mm insulation | |
Exterior walls: 250 mm insulation | Exterior walls: 455 mm insulation | Exterior walls: 600 mm insulation | ||
Roof: 450 mm insulation | Roof: 600 mm insulation | Roof: 750 mm insulation | ||
Cost of floor insulation €/m2 | 31.6 | 46.3 | 60.3 | |
Cost of exterior walls €/m2 | 215.3 | 261.4 | 303.7 | |
Cost of roof insulation €/m2 | 33.2 | 43.9 | 54.3 | |
Labour in (each construction?) € | Floor slab: 10.4; Exterior walls: 119.5; Roof: 12.7 | Floor slab: 14.5; Exterior walls: 151.2; Roof: 16.6 | Floor slab: 17.9; Exterior walls: 179.5; Roof: 20.2 | |
Parameter 2: Air tightness | n50: 1.5 | n50: 0.84 | n50: 0.4 | |
Cost in € | 6.00 | 10.40 | 12.80 | |
Labour in € | 4.10 | 8.50 | 10.90 | |
Parameter 3: Windows/doors | 1.10 W/m2K | 0.90 W/m2K | 0.70 W/m2K | |
G-value of window | 0.37 | 0.37 | 0.37 | |
Cost in € | 72 397 | 75 897 | 93 397 | |
Labour in € | 38 512 | 38 512 | 38 512 | |
Parameter 4: Ventilation | SFP: 1.75 | SFP: 1.5 | SFP: 1.25 | |
η: 80%* | η: 85%* | η: 90%* | ||
Cost in € | 27 043 | 31 815 | 36 587 | |
Labour in € | 14 175 | 14 175 | 14 175 | |
Parameter 5: Heating | District heating | Ground source heat pump | Ground source heat pump | Extract air heat pump |
kW: ∞ | kW: 4 | kW: 5 | kW: 1.8 | |
SCOP: 1.0 | SCOP: 3.5 | SCOP: 5.0 | SCOP: 2.5 | |
Total cost in production | 121 817 | 135 352 | 155 655 | 27 070 |
Parameter 6: PVs | No PVs | 66 m2 | 120 m2 | |
10 kWp | 20 kWp | |||
Cost of PV modules + converters € | 98 000 | 190 000 | ||
Labour in € | 37 450 | 70 000 | ||
Parameter 7: STCs | No STCs | 10 m2 STC, standard flate plate | 20 m2, vacuum tubes | |
used for DHW | used for DHW and heating | |||
Total material cost | 16 870 | 42 840 | ||
Labour in € | 7 630 | 11 760 | ||
Parameter 8: Cooling | Compressor cooling | Free cooling/bore holes | Free cooling/bore holes | |
kW: 3 | kW: 1 | kW: 2 | ||
SCOP: 3 | SCOP: 20 | SCOP: 20 | ||
Total cost | 10 500 | 46 995 | 70 000 |
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