Open Access

Table 3

Discomfort (°Ch) obtained for the simulations of the reference model.


CURITIBA − PR 23242,96 0,00 23242,96
SANTA MARIA − RS 21768,47 62,45048 21830,92
FLORIANÓPOLIS − SC 8991,029 2,060344 8993,089
SÃO CARLOS − SP 8083,909 16,5672 8100,477
GARANHUNS − PE 4619,022 0,00 4619,022
CAMPO GRANDE − MS 4759,624 122,8934 4882,517
CUIABÁ − MT 1795,725 2259,14 4054,864
BELÉM − PA 0,00 80,46026 80,46026

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