Open Access

Table 6

Discomfort for the eight cities analyzed, considering the combined use and user intervention.


CURITIBA − PR TWV 4,50 TWC 4102,31 4106,81
SANTA MARIA − RS TWV 403,81 TWC 8257,23 8661,04
FLORIANóPOLIS − SC TWV 74,23 TWC 1922,89 1997,12
SãO CARLOS − SP TWV 76,35 TWH 1220,37 1296,72
GARANHUNS − PE TWV 0,00 TWC 195,09 195,09
CAMPO GRANDE − MS TWV 219,33 TWC 233,67 453,00
CUIABá − MT TWV 2816,96 TWC 235,21 3052,17
BELéM − PA TWV 178,97 TWV 0,00 178,97

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