Open Access

Table 4

Discomfort hour reduction (DBS) and energy consumption reduction (EBS) in percentage, as a comparison between the performance of the benchmark simulation scenario and each natural ventilation system (NSV) simulation scenario. These are indicated as follows: the first letters refer to the NVS used, the next letter is the first letter of the strategic location considered, the last one (A: heavy concrete envelope or B: medium-light), refers to the corresponding simulation model.


SSV_R 93.9% 93.2% 88.4% 82.1%
SSV_N 98.2% 96.4% 85.9% 79.9%
SSV_C 84.7% 78.6% 61.7% 55.9%
SSV_M 72.5% 68.6% 36.5% 33.4%
CV_R 91.4% 88.2% 89.0% 95.8%
CV_N 97.8% 87.8% 82.8% 91.2%
CV_C 73.9% 91.2% 65.8% 69.5%
CV_M 80.7% 95.0% 47.1% 53.3%
TI_R 94.5% 92.4% 91.0% 87.5%
TI_N 97.7% 97.0% 87.5% 83.0%
TI_C 84.5% 79.8% 65.0% 60.4%
TI_M 82.0% 78.2% 42.0% 39.1%
TC_R 58.3% 61.5% 40.8% 38.0%
TC_N 55.5% 55.0% 38.3% 35.2%
TC_C 26.5% 29.1% 7.6% 6.4%
TC_M 26.2% 27.4% 15.2% 13.9%
CT_R 98.6% 95.7% 33.4% 29.5%
CT_N 74.1% 69.9% 9.4% 6.5%
CT_C 85.2% 81.9% 20.3% 17.3%
CT_M 73.5% 70.2% 21.8% 20.3%
EP_R 100.0% 100.0% 96.1% 95.1%
EP_N 100.0% 98.8% 96.1% 95.3%
EP_C 99.2% 97.8% 95.5% 94.2%
EP_M 99.8% 99.8% 96.0% 94.8%

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